This war has revealed in the starkest possible terms the real cost of the lucrative global arms trade, not to mention the challenge of implementing the UN arms trade treaty and humanitarian standards. USA, UK, and France and other western allies profess their support for human rights and adherence to the treaty while similarly lavishing hi-tech weaponry on the Saudi coalition. These countries face a legal and moral quandary for pouring weapons into the bloody war while claiming to have a high moral ground for human rights.
In light of the upcoming planned offensive by the Saudi-UAE-led coalition, the moral and legal bankruptcy of western support for the Saudi-led coalition has never been clearer.
If the international community doesn’t stand up and does even the bare minimum for the people of Yemen by pressuring the coalition to stop the war and give safe access for aid and ultimately bring the authors of these violations to justice, the war criminals will continue to act with impunity. As of now, the coalition doesn’t seem to fear being held to account for violating the laws of war thanks to the safe haven of culture of impunity. ICSFT urges concerned governments’ and UN bodies to seek accountability for past and ongoing violations and immediately suspend arms sales to Saudi Arabia.
The Western governments’ should immediately shift their concern from keeping the Saudis and their allies happy to protecting the lives of civilians in Yemen. The time is now.

Please find attached the press release