A/HRC/37/L.18… Human rights in the occupied Syrian Golan

A/HRC/37/L.18… Human rights in the occupied Syrian Golan was voted on at the request of USA, a great friend and ally of the occupying force, Israel.
To the dismay of Israel and USA the resolution is adopted with a majority vote of 25 yes, 7 abstentions, and 14 no.
Deeply concerned at the suffering of the Syrian citizens in the occupied Syrian Golan due to the systematic and continuous violation of their fundamental and human rights by Israel since the Israeli military occupation of 1967.
Deploring the announcement by the Israeli occupying authorities in July 2017 that municipal elections would be held on 30 October 2018 in the four villages in the occupied Syrian Golan, which constitutes another violation to international humanitarian law and to relevant Security Council resolutions, in particular resolution 497 (1981)
Calls upon Israel to comply with the relevant resolutions of the GA, the Security Council, and the HRC, and further calls upon ISrael to distant from imposing Israeli citizenship and identity cards on Syrian citizens, and to allow the Syrian population to visit their families and relatives in the Syrian motherland through the Quneitra checkpoint under the supervision of the International Committee of the Red Cross
Further calls upon Israel, in this connection, to allow delegates of the International Committee of the Red Cross to visit Syrian prisoners of conscience and detainees in Israeli prisons accompanied by specialized physicians to assess the state of their physical and mental health and to protect their lives.
Most importantly the resolution rejects the settlement policy which aims to change the demographic situation of Golan. Israel also aims to restrict the rights of the inhabitants of Golan, monitoring and controlling their rights, including their right to make a living.
The resolution rejects Israel’s arbitrary policy against settlements and denounces those practices.
ICSFT deplores the continued building of settlements in occupied Syrian Golan and violation of relevant United Nations resolution 497/1981, that dealers Israeli's forceful occupation of Syrian Golan as null and void, and the provisions of international law.
Israel therefore rejects the United Nations Charter and resolutions of the United Nations Security Council which stated that Israel was an occupying force.
The grave human rights situation of Syrian citizens in the occupied Syrian Golan is heartbreaking and need urgent attention and action, and we call upon the occupying power to comply with all United Nations and Human Rights Council resolutions, and express regret at the non-cooperation of the occupying power, Israel with the United Nations human rights mechanisms.
We further call upon the Israeli occupying power to allow access to detainees by the International Committee of the Red Cross and immediately stop the forceful settlement campaign and gross human rights violations in the Syrian Golan.
ICSFT urges the council to implement its previous resolutions, and in particular Resolution 10/17.
Israeli's annexation of the Syrian Golan is a clear violation of international law and should no longer be tolerated, the occupying force, Israel should withdraw from the Syrian Golan! The policies and practices of Israel with in the occupied Palestinian Territories including the Syrian Golan violates the norms prohibiting apartheid and colonialism!