HRC/37/L. 38 – the human rights situation in the Syrian Arab Republic

HRC/37/L. 38 - the human rights situation in the Syrian Arab Republic
The human rights council just adopted a politicized and unilateral resolution on the human rights situation in the Syrian Arab Republic, HRC/37/L. 38 with 27 yes, 16 abstentions, and 4 no!
This resolution in addition to being grossly biased, it ignores the atrocities caused by terrorist groups that are funded by the western counties and their GCC allies sponsoring this resolution and preaching human rights to the Syrian government - UK, USA, Turkey, Israel and Saudi Arabia. The resolution also presents an unfounded criticism of the legitimate Syrian government.
This resolution, not to anyone's surprise, does not contain condemnation of violence by the armed opposition, which has been reported by the head of the UN Observer Mission Robert Mood. Of note, it does not condemn terrorist acts, when dozens of people have died by the hands of terrorists.
The authors and sponsors of the Resolution deliberately turn a blind eye on these facts. As well the report of the Commission of Inquiry (COI) doesn't address the fact that the armed groups are supported by western and gulf countries, it also fails to highlight the unilateral military action by USA and Turkey which is against UN charter and resulting in the loss of civilian lives.
The COI also presented unverified and unsubstantiated "evidences " due to the biased and partial nature of the current narrative on Syria.
The Russian delegation proposed an amendment containing condemnation of terrorist acts in Syria which was refused by the co-sponsoring counties which is a departure from the responsibilities in the framework of the UNSC Resolutions on terrorism.
In this context the Cuban delegation requested for a vote on the resolution and voted against it, together with China, Burundi and Venezuela.
It's is crystal clear that this resolution will not contribute to the political process in Syria and is imposed on the international community to promote and protect the political gains of the sponsoring countries.
This continuous one sided "human rights agenda" propaganda at the human rights council raises doubts about the real intentions of those who keep tabling this resolution at the council under the disguise of human rights. It seems their politicized agenda that will further destabilize the situation in Syria will continue to be entertained by the Human Rights Council with utter disregard for the consequences on-the -ground. This weakens the UN human rights system and norms underpinning it, and States obligations to protect and promote Human rights.
Council members’ adoption of this resolution risks undercutting the important work the Council is doing on other urgent matters. It distracts the council from its common work to bring to an end the real and serious crisis in Syria, the indiscriminate attack by western backed terrorist groups like ISIL and Daesh which is the real human rights and humanitarian crisis.
ICSFT continues to be deeply troubled by this Council’s biased and disproportionate focus on Syria, which is highlighted by the Council’s consideration today of this resolution on the Human Rights situation in the Syrian republic. A resolution put forth by Israeli, western countries and their GCC allies - USA, UK, Netherlands, Saudi Arabia, Turkey- as they continue to sponsor and support terrorist groups in Syria further destabilizing the country and attacking it's legitimate government.
We are particularly disappointed to be presented with another one-sided resolution at the Human Rights Council that does nothing to further the goals of achieving peace and stability in the Syrian republic.
Icsft strongly denounces this selective and politicized human rights narrative that is dominating the council's work! It is important to maintain the constructive atmosphere following the peace talks in Geneva, Sochi, and the Geneva International Conference and create conditions for consistent work with the Syrian government to end the violence and launch a political dialogue and reach people centered peaceful settlement in Syria. In this context we would like to thank the delegations of Cuba, Burundi, Venezuela and China who voted no on this Resolution.
It is time to put innocent Syrian people's lives before politics and put an end to this politically sensationalized resolution once and for all!