Res. 34… Human rights and unilateral coercive measures is adopted with 28 yes, 3 abstentions, 15 no.

Res. 34… Human rights and unilateral coercive measures is adopted with 28 yes, 3 abstentions, 15 no.
Stressing that unilateral coercive measures and legislation are contrary to international law, international humanitarian law, the Charter and the norms and principles governing peaceful relations among states
Expressing its grave concern at the negative impact of unilateral coercive measures on human rights, the right to development, international relations, trade, investment and cooperation
Reaffirming that each state has full sovereignty over the totality of its wealth, natural resources and economic activity
Condemns the continued unilateral application by certain powers of such measures as tools of political or economic pressure against any country, particularly against developing countries.
USA as the poster child for unilateral action and self appointed protectorate and police of human rights voted no on this resolutions, however the resolution was adopted with a majority vote. Unilateral measures are misplaced efforts , hostile and against the founding principles of UN.
see the attached file (res.34)