Res. L 33 – Emphasizing that the convention on the rights of the child constitutes the standard in promotion and protection of the rights of the child

Res. L 33 - Emphasizing that the convention on the rights of the child constitutes the standard in promotion and protection of the rights of the child and acknowledging that international humanitarian law and international human rights law are complementary and mutually reinforcing.
Recalling that around the world nearly 50 million children have migrated across borders or been forcibly displaced,
Calls upon states to protect children in the context of humanitarian situations from all forms of violence, violation and harm. The resolution was adopted with out a vote.
ICSFT echoes the sentiment of this resolution and calls on authoritarian states like Saudi Arabia, Israel, Bahrain and their western allies that claim to be the protectorate of human rights - USA and UK- to adhere to this resolution and other relevant implementing international standards. Thousands of innocent Yemenis and Palestinian children are living under horrible and inhumane conditions - children in #Yemen are living through the world's worst hunger crisis & cholera outbreak, thousands of Palestinian children are detained and tortured by Israeli forces with complete impunity- This horrendous suffering must end. UN's resolution like this one should translate to reality and have meaning beyond mere words on papers.